Thought for Today 8/5/20

In that resurrection morning, when the Sun of Righteousness shall appear in the heavens, shining in all his brightness and glory, he will come forth as a bridegroom; he shall come in the glory of his Father, with all his holy angels.

That will be a joyful meeting of this glorious bridegroom and bride indeed. Then the bridegroom will appear in all his glory without any veil: and then the saints shall shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father, and at the right hand of their Redeemer.

Then will come the time, when Christ will sweetly invite his spouse to enter in with him into the palace of his glory, which he had been preparing for her from the foundation of the world, and shall as it were take her by the hand, and lead her in with him: and this glorious bridegroom and bride shall with all their shining ornaments, ascend up together into the heaven of heaven; the whole multitude of glorious angels waiting upon them; and this Son and daughter of God shall, in their united glory and joy, present themselves together before the Father; when Christ shall say, “Here am I, and the children which thou hast given me”: and they both shall in that relation and union, together receive the Father’s blessing; and shall thenceforward rejoice together, in consummate, uninterrupted, immutable, and everlasting glory, in the love and embraces of each other, and joint enjoyment of the love of the Father.

~ Jonathan Edwards, “The Church’s Marriage to Her Sons, and to Her God”

4 thoughts on “Thought for Today 8/5/20

  1. Hey Dear Rob:

    A name out of your distant past, Bob Armstrong.

    EmbarrassingIy, I’m like the butcher who backed into his meat-cutting machine, a ‘little behind’…in my reading!

    Among the comments noted by Jonathan Edwards I especially appreciated the important reminder of the special everlasting glory available to us, those Christ presents to the father as “the children which thou hast given me”.

    In the Lowery review it was interesting how naturally I became the guilt ridden subject discussing with continuing humiliation my sinful nature with Jesus (p64). I got into that character so easily. “Mercy is who he is.”…;”God is rich in mercy.”; “…not frugal but lavish, not poor but rich.” These affirmations summarized from pages 173 and 179 were especially validating.

    Prayerfully you Cheryl and the family are adapting to ‘Napoleon’ Fauci’s CODIV-19 dictates. I resumed Church attendance perhaps three weeks ago and though am very impressed with our new facility I have such a disdain for everything about masks I still think about returning to ‘downstreaming’.

    Thanks for all you do, Rob, to continue to enhance my Faith walk. I continue daily prayers for Will and Art; and for the health, well-being and safekeeping of you Cheryl and Lucy.




    1. Bob – thanks so much for the thoughts! It’s definitely an odd time which makes thinking about heaven and final glory all the more attractive. Thanks for the prayers and your continual kindness!


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